VIN CODE : W1KZF4FB6NB024956 — Mercedes-Benz E250
First registration date and month 2022-01 Accident classification Fuel used gasoline Gear method automatic Displacement distance driven 0 km Current vehicle ownership type individual Storage area Yuseong-gu, Daejeon Metropolitan City
Damage details Damaged front part, mileage unconfirmed
★ Tax invoices are issued after deducting commercial purchase acquisition tax in accordance with Article 177 2 of the Special Local Tax Act. ★In accordance with the revision of the Enforcement Decree of the Income Tax Act (July 1, 2017), the successful bidder will, in principle, transfer the product to a trading company upon request for sale after purchase from our company. Please note that personal transfer is absolutely impossible. ★In principle, companies that receive a total loss vehicle must submit a total loss repair inspection certificate to us before selling it. ★ the successful bidder bears Transportation Safety Authority repair and inspection costs for total loss vehicles. ★How to calculate the amount of tax to be paid by the company when the vehicle purchase and registration tax exceeds 2 million won★ ■Pay 15% of the total acquisition and registration tax ■Standard tax amount = New car price (excluding VAT ) Tax rate (7% )