VIN code : W1K5J5EB3PN386071
First registration year and month 2023-05 Accident classification Fuel used gas Gear type automatic Displacement 1,991 cc Mileage 1,200 Km Current vehicle ownership status individual Storage area Mapo-gu, Seoul Storage location Contact the repository Damage details Total loss vehicle frontal collision vehicle entry, front bumper left and right light front panel and engine damage (transmission inspection required) Internal driver’s seat, passenger seat right side airbag deployed Leased vehicle (Benz Financial, lease cost expected to be 50.5 million won) Lease contract Individual name on lease company contract confirmation, lease cost must be paid to the leasing company of the successful bidder after sale (the difference will be paid by our side and the lease will be terminated) Damage to the front lower body of the vehicle is expected, vehicle cannot be moved voluntarily When confirming the lease, it is necessary to confirm whether the lease occurred in the individual’s name and whether the vehicle is a sole proprietor. Mileage not confirmed (no photo/arbitrary input) _Request to check the original document